Tuesday 15 May 2018

Going back to University and Sketchbook Pages

Okay, so I have posted about this on my blog absolutely loads, like so many times I can't even remember what I have or haven't posted about to be fair. But yeah, in September I am finally going back to University after being MIA for about 6 years. When I first went to University I definitely wasn't ready and spetting back and leaving was the right thing to do otherwise I would have just gone through the motions and not really enjoyed it which isn't what I wanted from my university experience.
To get ready for Universty I have actually tidied up my art room and started practising my drawing more because I have been so busy and pre-occupied with just normal life and work I feel like I haven't had time for drawing or painting.
Below are some of the work I had in my sketchbooks that I used in my interviews to get back into University. They are all mostly pen or ink work with the exception of Rick who is made with Lino Printing.

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