Tuesday 22 May 2018

Current Favorite Shampoo and Conditioner

My current obsession is cruelty-free vegan skin and hair care, I am reading hundreds of blog post and watching youtube videos about them all the time, seriously it's my new ish. So while in Waitrose I was wondering down the beauty bit isle and I saw Avalon organics... No GMO's, Vegan, cruelty-free AND they were on offer. They had four different senses and after sniff testing them all I decided that lemon is for me.. surprisingly not the coconut because I thought that smelt really artificial but the lemon is incredible and genuinely smells like a delicious lemon tart.
Another thing I love about this Shampoo and Conditioner is the way it makes my hair feel.. honestly, my hair feels so squeaky clean and cleaner for longer which is obviously a massive bonus because I now only wash my hair 2-3 times a week.
The last point I want to make on this Shampoo and Conditioner is that it's slightly more expensive than your average shampoo and conditioner from the drug store or the supermarket because they both retail for about £6.99 which is a lot of money if you were let's say on a budget.

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