Tuesday 29 May 2018

Slam Dunk Festival 2018! #SDF18

Yesterday my boyfriend and I spent our bank holiday Monday at Slam Dunk Festival Midlands which was so much fun and I'm so grateful he came with me because it's really not his kind of thing. Some of the bands we saw include Four Year Strong (top two photos above) which is a band I have loved since I was a teenager, we saw the first set and then their acoustic set later on in the day. They played all the songs I remember and loved and that I use to listen to on the bus travelling to college. We also saw, Knuckle Puck, State Champs, Taking Back Sunday, Say Anything, Northlane, Moose Blood and last but definitely not least we saw Good Charlotte (the bottom photo) and they were so good.. even Iain loved it and sang along.
My overall experience at Slam Dunk was good but I do have some issues like I bought a very tiny backpack for my stuff like purse, lipstick, tampons and water bottle but I wasn't allowed to bring it in so I had to take my ID and debit card out of my purse and put it in my boyfriends wallet since I had no pockets at all.... this wouldn't bother me so much but I saw loads of other girls wearing much bigger backpacks.

Tuesday 22 May 2018

Current Favorite Shampoo and Conditioner

My current obsession is cruelty-free vegan skin and hair care, I am reading hundreds of blog post and watching youtube videos about them all the time, seriously it's my new ish. So while in Waitrose I was wondering down the beauty bit isle and I saw Avalon organics... No GMO's, Vegan, cruelty-free AND they were on offer. They had four different senses and after sniff testing them all I decided that lemon is for me.. surprisingly not the coconut because I thought that smelt really artificial but the lemon is incredible and genuinely smells like a delicious lemon tart.
Another thing I love about this Shampoo and Conditioner is the way it makes my hair feel.. honestly, my hair feels so squeaky clean and cleaner for longer which is obviously a massive bonus because I now only wash my hair 2-3 times a week.
The last point I want to make on this Shampoo and Conditioner is that it's slightly more expensive than your average shampoo and conditioner from the drug store or the supermarket because they both retail for about £6.99 which is a lot of money if you were let's say on a budget.

Tuesday 15 May 2018

Going back to University and Sketchbook Pages

Okay, so I have posted about this on my blog absolutely loads, like so many times I can't even remember what I have or haven't posted about to be fair. But yeah, in September I am finally going back to University after being MIA for about 6 years. When I first went to University I definitely wasn't ready and spetting back and leaving was the right thing to do otherwise I would have just gone through the motions and not really enjoyed it which isn't what I wanted from my university experience.
To get ready for Universty I have actually tidied up my art room and started practising my drawing more because I have been so busy and pre-occupied with just normal life and work I feel like I haven't had time for drawing or painting.
Below are some of the work I had in my sketchbooks that I used in my interviews to get back into University. They are all mostly pen or ink work with the exception of Rick who is made with Lino Printing.

Happy #NationalVegetarianWeek!

One of my favourite things to do in life is eating Dinner out. I find that big chain restaurant is good a place to start for tasty vegetarian food. Some of my favourite chains are Nandos where I will ALWAYS have the Beanie wrap with macho peas and sweetcorn, the Californian burger from GBK and the yatsi katsu curry from Wagamama’s.

I haven't been a vegetarian for very long but it is something I am very passionate about and want to share here on my blog. Down below are some of my favourite meals from restaurants near by, some are big chain restaurants and some are smaller local chains.

Left - Spicy Green from Poh! Right - Halloumi kebab from Ego
Left - Halloumi and Falafel Salad from Faro Lounge. Right - Beanie Wrap with Macho Peas and Sweetcorn from Nandos
Left - Californian Burger from BGK! Right - Cheese and onion pie from The Red Lion pub in Longdon Green
There are so many wonderful vegetarian options at many restaurants so I encourage everyone thinking about turning vegetarian to just give it ago, there are so many positive reasons for becoming vegetarian I feel like there is no reason not to just try it.

Tuesday 1 May 2018

Even more Canada photos

This will probably be the last Canada photo diary post but there are so many more on my Instagram if you fancy seeing more average shots of the most beautiful place I have ever been. #WeAreWhistler