Monday 5 November 2018

Tile Beetle

I have uploaded my latest print to my Society6 store 

Saturday 27 October 2018


The Stag Beetle prints I made in a Collograph workshop at Universtiy 

Monday 8 October 2018

Thursday 20 September 2018

Bergen, Norway

On the last day, we walked around Bergen, took a tram ride up to Fløyen which looks over the Bergen city centre, saw a Troll Forest and eat lots of ice cream in the sunshine.

Tuesday 18 September 2018

Briksdal Glacial and Olden, Norway

Busy day in Olden.
Three-hour kayak in glacier water. A bus ride to the glacial. Walking around for hours. Perfect

Friday 14 September 2018

Flåm, Norway

This is the little town of Flåm! It was beautiful, honestly so beautiful. Iain and I walked all around the town, got cinnamon buns from a cute little bakery and took a little train ride around the area. This place had all the standard tourist shops but also had a little museum you could visit for free! 

Tuesday 11 September 2018

Stavanger, Norway

 The Port of call was Stavanger! Iain and I got up very early and went out on a Rib on Lysefjord seeing Whisky falls and Preikestolen (the Pulpit Rock). After the Rib, we went and got changed and spent a few hours walking around the town and visiting the cute shops.
 Whisky falls

Monday 10 September 2018

Cruising around Norway

I have literally just got back from a cruise around the Norwegian Fjords and to try and fight the holiday blues I have decided to keep myself as busy as possible today... I have some Student finance stuff I need to sort out, I have a University project I need to start (which I will upload when I have actually made some progress) and finally, I have all my photos to upload and sort for this blog.

Here are just a few of my favourite photos from the Ship itself. Next post will include the palces we visited.

Tuesday 7 August 2018

what now?

I haven't posted on my blog in a few weeks manly because I am in a major creative slump and I have honestly now idea what to post. I haven't been creating any new art in weeks and when I do I don't really like it or its messy and basically im feeling very out of practice but i'm trying.

Tuesday 10 July 2018

More delicious vegetarian food.

Left - Faro Mexican Superbowl salad. Right - Dominos Veggie Volcano pizza
Left - Pieminister heidi Pie. Right - Bills Pesto salad
More photos of wonderful food I have had recently!

Tuesday 26 June 2018


Since up upgrading my new art room I have actually spent loads of time in there creating and I just love it! I feel like I have all this new creative energy and I'm so pleased and lucky to have the room to make these ideas materialise.

Sunday 24 June 2018

My 25th Birthday Photo Diary

Home-Made Mojitos
Hand-Made Gold Animal candle holders
On Wednesday it was my 25th birthday and I had a lovely day. I went strawberry picking and out for ice-cream. 
In preparation for my birthday, me and my boyfriend Iain actually made the animal candle holders by hand! We have simply brought some small toys from Asda which you use to put in children's party bags and drilled a small hole in the top to put the candle holder in and then spray painted them all gold. I got the idea from Pinterest and I'm so happy with how they all turned out.
Instax from my birthday!

Tuesday 12 June 2018

Redecorating my art room

I have redecorated my little art room in the loft and I am so pleased with it! I repainted my desk "organic woodland" and basically organized everything ready for university.

Tuesday 5 June 2018

Cruelty Free Haul!

Above- Kat Von D
Below - Unicorn Cosmetics 

For the last two years, I have only been buying cruelty-free cosmetics and I haven't felt like I am missing out but in fact, I feel like it has helped me discover new brands and really research what sort of products I am putting on my body.
A brand I have loved for a very long time is Kat Von D, one of the reasons I love the brand is how committed they are to being cruelty-free and how honest they are with it eg. you can always find the cruelty-free and vegan signs on her packaging... no need to email the company's PR team about it..  all the information you need is on the packaging.
From Kat Von D I got my all-time favourite Tattoo linker in Trooper, Signature Brow Precision Pencil in Medium Brown and Contour Palette... And because I spent over £60 and bought an eyebrow related product I got a gift bag free which included the Liquid Lipstick in Lovesick, Mini Tattoo linker in Trooper, a hand mirror, mini Saint and Sinner perfumes and a Vegan bag to put them all in.

Now moving on to Unicorn cosmetics. This is a brand I found on Instagram and I was suckered in with the beautiful packaging. I went to the website and had a look at the FAQ's saw that they are cruelty-free and bought the Dragon Eyelash set immediately. I am yet to try them but I am very excited.

Tuesday 29 May 2018

Slam Dunk Festival 2018! #SDF18

Yesterday my boyfriend and I spent our bank holiday Monday at Slam Dunk Festival Midlands which was so much fun and I'm so grateful he came with me because it's really not his kind of thing. Some of the bands we saw include Four Year Strong (top two photos above) which is a band I have loved since I was a teenager, we saw the first set and then their acoustic set later on in the day. They played all the songs I remember and loved and that I use to listen to on the bus travelling to college. We also saw, Knuckle Puck, State Champs, Taking Back Sunday, Say Anything, Northlane, Moose Blood and last but definitely not least we saw Good Charlotte (the bottom photo) and they were so good.. even Iain loved it and sang along.
My overall experience at Slam Dunk was good but I do have some issues like I bought a very tiny backpack for my stuff like purse, lipstick, tampons and water bottle but I wasn't allowed to bring it in so I had to take my ID and debit card out of my purse and put it in my boyfriends wallet since I had no pockets at all.... this wouldn't bother me so much but I saw loads of other girls wearing much bigger backpacks.

Tuesday 22 May 2018

Current Favorite Shampoo and Conditioner

My current obsession is cruelty-free vegan skin and hair care, I am reading hundreds of blog post and watching youtube videos about them all the time, seriously it's my new ish. So while in Waitrose I was wondering down the beauty bit isle and I saw Avalon organics... No GMO's, Vegan, cruelty-free AND they were on offer. They had four different senses and after sniff testing them all I decided that lemon is for me.. surprisingly not the coconut because I thought that smelt really artificial but the lemon is incredible and genuinely smells like a delicious lemon tart.
Another thing I love about this Shampoo and Conditioner is the way it makes my hair feel.. honestly, my hair feels so squeaky clean and cleaner for longer which is obviously a massive bonus because I now only wash my hair 2-3 times a week.
The last point I want to make on this Shampoo and Conditioner is that it's slightly more expensive than your average shampoo and conditioner from the drug store or the supermarket because they both retail for about £6.99 which is a lot of money if you were let's say on a budget.

Tuesday 15 May 2018

Going back to University and Sketchbook Pages

Okay, so I have posted about this on my blog absolutely loads, like so many times I can't even remember what I have or haven't posted about to be fair. But yeah, in September I am finally going back to University after being MIA for about 6 years. When I first went to University I definitely wasn't ready and spetting back and leaving was the right thing to do otherwise I would have just gone through the motions and not really enjoyed it which isn't what I wanted from my university experience.
To get ready for Universty I have actually tidied up my art room and started practising my drawing more because I have been so busy and pre-occupied with just normal life and work I feel like I haven't had time for drawing or painting.
Below are some of the work I had in my sketchbooks that I used in my interviews to get back into University. They are all mostly pen or ink work with the exception of Rick who is made with Lino Printing.