Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Random thoughts and other bits

Okay so I am pretty sure my last 100 posts have just been my holiday photos with literally no (or very little) text at all and just post after post after post, well I'm done now... thats right I have actually finished posting all of my holiday photos and I will move on (kinda) I actually still have loads of editing to do and I am sure it will be the end of 2017 before I'm done uploading them vlog to Youtube.

I'm pretty sure I wrote a blog post in 2016 saying I was going to blog more and make loads of videos and make my life great and all that other new year's nonsense well I didnt really manage to do that and I don't really have any reason for it, when I had the time to write on my blog I just didn't feel like it and I didnt want to force out something half hearted since I'm the only person who reads this and I will know.
Moving on from 2016 because its all over now and its time to concentrate on 2017 matters, i'm going to start by saying I have no idea how much I will post on my blog because I am spending my time making a new profilo because I am really interested in going back to university next year and I will need to do the whole UCAS/interview process again.
I want to save money again this year like I did last year for another America road trip but I'm thinking maybe the east coast this time. I am also saving up for a weekend in Paris in May because I have been to at least one Disney park once a year since 2014 and I'm not about to break that tradition now.
I also really want to do more of the things I love, I find myself very tired after work and I have to sleep a lot to make up for getting up at 5am most mornings and then doing a nine hour shift on my feet all day so I have been trying to nap less and do more of the things I love like take really long Lush baths, read, play videos and draw.
Moving on to things like my health and fitness, well I am trying to get fit but I have no real passion for working out and losing weight is very hard so I have decided I'm just going to cut out bad things, eat a little less and try and ride my bike more.
I don't really have anything else to say right now so I guess this is the end of this rather boring rambly post.

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