Wednesday 5 June 2019

Urinary system diagrams

Urinary System 

Kidney diagram

Nephron diagram
all of these images are for Iain's project

Tuesday 19 March 2019

Sketchbook Club - March

I'm starting a new blog series.

I'm going to start uploading a few sketchbook pages onto this blog every month, they might be personal stuff or like in this case they could be from my university sketchbook. Working in sketchbooks is one of my all-time favourite things and something that brings me so much joy so I thought I would share it with the internet.
These sketchbook pages are some observational drawings I did while visiting the national space centre in Leicester.

Saturday 2 March 2019

Mono-Printing fun!

My current module for uni is text and image so while I was experimenting with visual language I created some fun little-unrelated monoprints.

Mark Making in My Sketchook

Two pages from my university sketchbook. Fun huh?

Thursday 7 February 2019

A full bodied YES

This Tuesday I started my new module at university so expect me to be quiet until its over.

Sunday 3 February 2019

Friday 1 February 2019

Personal Sketchbook pages

Mono printed Skull.

When I said my next post will be Disney Land photos I lied...I am going to continue to post illustrations and then on Monday I will upload my Christmas Disney photos.... hopefully.

Monday 21 January 2019

Ski Illustration + tiny update.

Ah shit, so I haven't posted in a VERY long time, because I have been so busy... BUT today I submitted the project that I have been working on since November and I finally feel free... so with my day off, I made this little illustration of my boyfriend's mother from when we went skiing in April.
Next post will be of my Disney Land Paris trip I took over Christmas with my Mummy.