Tuesday 25 July 2017

Snippets from my sketchbook + Update

Top left - water colour studies of vegetables
Bottom Right - More illustrations of bugs and a fine liner drawing of a Voodoo Doughnut I had in Portland
Top Right - A illustration of my grandparents house with a cut of my mother and grandmother when they where younger
Bottom Left - Working with inks and other media 
Left - Drawing of Beetles in different media
Top Right - Glass and Mushrooms created with paper marbling
Bottom Right - Experimenting with media to create leaves 

Okay so as of today I have OFFICIALLY started my UCAS form for university next year which is exciting but mostly absolutely terrifying as I am worried I will get everything wrong and just make a terrible job of it all. Sometimes I really wish I could of finished it when I first went and I wouldn't have to do all this again (I'm going to have to write another personal statement, sob) but I knew at the time it wasn't right for me.
 I'm also planning some more blog posts, I have been very MIA on YouTube and dont want to force myself to make videos so I was thinking I should start slowly and focus on my blog. The next two blog posts I have planned won't be more drawing  but will actually be a "What I have read this Summer" and a "Summer 2017 Favourites". I'm not sure when they will be up but i'm working on them.
And finally last but not least I have started a Instagram account for my dogs, its called TwoLabsandaCollie and which you can get to by clicking this link HERE.

Tuesday 18 July 2017

Current projects

One of the things I enjoy to do after drawing is scanning in my work and messing around with them on Photoshop, I don't always love the stuff I come up with and its not always my best work but I find it really helpful to try and add or take stuff away from the original because you never know adding a new background might just be the thing it needed. Here are some pieces from my sketchbook that I coped and changed.

Tuesday 4 July 2017

Earth and Moon

I am still playing around with my paper marbling stuff and I have actually been making more so I have different patterns to play around with.