Wednesday 27 January 2016

I've got a plan

Okay I have a feeling this blog post if going to be very rambly and probably not make a lot of sense so please bear with me. I haven't posted on here since October 2015 and its now actually the end of January 2016 which is madness and makes me feel like I'm being totally lazy but honestly I do have plans to make a change and post more. I'm also planning on making YouTube Videos.. I always watch beauty Gurus and Fashion Gurus On-line and I just think it would be fun thing to do and a great way to record my life.
To try and help my self make the most of the year ahead I am going to make some big goals and some smaller goals to hopfeully help me manage everything I want to do.

Big Goals for 2016
  • Make Youtube Channel 
  • Visit America 
  • Start On-line Esty store and sell my own art
Smaller Goals for 2016
  • Create more (painting, drawing..etc)
  • Make more blog posts (at-least once a month)
  • Save money 
  • Try and lose weight
  • Keep a diary to manage my time
  • Write things down
  • Keep my space clean and tidy
As I have grow up I have really started to find that my life is going so super quick and I feel like sometimes I cant really keep up, my biggest fear that I developed about six months ago is that one day I'm just going to wake up and have done nothing with my life so I am trying to make the most of everything I have.
I have already made a start to two of my big goals this year so hopefully I can keep going and everything will fall into place.