Monday 19 December 2016

Portland to Crater Lake

After Seattle we traveled down to Portland and spent two days there, I did really enjoy Portland apart from the rain so thats why there isnt many photos. But we did get some VooDoo Donuts which where so good.
After Portland we drove to Crater Lake and we where lucky and got six inches of snow and the lake just looks so beautiful and was one of my highlights of the whole trip.

Tuesday 13 December 2016

Three days in beautiful Seattle

Okay, so I know I never post on my blog and I have no reason for this other than I am very very lazy so I am trying to upload more and hopefully upload more to my youtube channel too. But I thought I would start blogging again, kick it off with something good like my amazing trip away. I have just spent all of October in America with my boyfriend traveling down the west coast and it was perfect so I thought I would share some of my favourite bits with my blog so I have it all written down here on the internet forever so I can hopefully never forget it. 
We started our amazing trip in Seattle so thats where im starting my posts.
I loved Seattle, there was plenty to do and it didn't rain at all when we were there. We did all the tourist things like go up the space needle and visit Pike Place Market, we also saw a Baseball game and did an underground city tour. 

Friday 10 June 2016

I make Youtube Videos

Just incase you didn't know I actually make youtube Videos in my spare time, my channel is mainly fashion(ish) and beauty with the occasional vlog thrown in now and again. I have been making videos since the start of the year and I try and upload at least three or four times a month. 
I will leave a link to my channel HERE.

I also have another youtube channel that me and my boyfriend make videos for together, its mostly us playing games and making food. You can find that one HERE.

Tuesday 10 May 2016

I've been Painting #5

I have been busy making art! If your interested you can buy it HERE

Wednesday 24 February 2016

I've been Painting #4

Something I find really motivating is actually posting some of the stuff I create on my blog or youtube. I have been trying to do at-least five pages in my sketchbook each week and when that sketchbook is finished I plan on making a stop motion video of all the pages...
(Because I have written it on-line it means I will have to do it now)

Wednesday 27 January 2016

I've got a plan

Okay I have a feeling this blog post if going to be very rambly and probably not make a lot of sense so please bear with me. I haven't posted on here since October 2015 and its now actually the end of January 2016 which is madness and makes me feel like I'm being totally lazy but honestly I do have plans to make a change and post more. I'm also planning on making YouTube Videos.. I always watch beauty Gurus and Fashion Gurus On-line and I just think it would be fun thing to do and a great way to record my life.
To try and help my self make the most of the year ahead I am going to make some big goals and some smaller goals to hopfeully help me manage everything I want to do.

Big Goals for 2016
  • Make Youtube Channel 
  • Visit America 
  • Start On-line Esty store and sell my own art
Smaller Goals for 2016
  • Create more (painting, drawing..etc)
  • Make more blog posts (at-least once a month)
  • Save money 
  • Try and lose weight
  • Keep a diary to manage my time
  • Write things down
  • Keep my space clean and tidy
As I have grow up I have really started to find that my life is going so super quick and I feel like sometimes I cant really keep up, my biggest fear that I developed about six months ago is that one day I'm just going to wake up and have done nothing with my life so I am trying to make the most of everything I have.
I have already made a start to two of my big goals this year so hopefully I can keep going and everything will fall into place.